Our Mission

The mission of Nene Tereza organisation shall be to promote and preserve the cultural, historic and ethnic heritage of Albanians. Serving the Albanian communities of North London for many years, the Nene Tereza is dedicated to its mission:

  • Perpetuate & celebrate Albanian Traditions & Customs
  • Encourage friendship & unity among all Albanian-English
  • Educate the general populace of the majesty of being of Albanian descent
  • Supporting the educational pursuits of Albanian-English youth through our Service
  • To raise awareness to relevant authorities on issues that affecting Albanian community in London.
  • To enable and facilitate integration of Albanian Community in UK by providing them services that empower them, increase their confidence and orienting them to services available for them.
  • Improve the quality of life of Albanian community
  • To preserve and share Albanian culture and traditions.

Our vision

  1. We believe that every child and young person must have an additional language that enables them to develop to their full potential.
  2. We define ‘Supplementary classes ’ not just in terms of core curriculum subjects – although we believe attainment in these is vital – but also in terms of supporting the development of healthy, resilient and well-rounded young people, ready for responsible adult life.
  3. We support these families and communities for their children’s education

By providing a multi-faceted service provision which goes beyond anti-poverty measures by improving the relative position of those who are excluded (giving them the tools and resources to take part in society as full citizens).

The way Nene Tereza builds community resilience includes

  1. Bridging the gap between children, parents and schools and mainstream services.
  2. Offering a service of reading and replying to letters for members.
  3. Running cultural events and social gathering reducing isolation.
  4. Providing information and advice for the community in-line with Public Health England.
  5. Supporting older people to better access health and wellbeing services by providing a chaperone service and translation through a community network of adult volunteers.
  6. Creating positive community change through interventions that addresses isolation, digital literacy, and access to health services.
  7. Developing social connections within the community as well as the wider community.
  8. Developed an on-line service to mitigate the impact of Covid-19 and sharing / translating vital information by Public Health England
  9. Developed a support structure for those experiencing poor mental health with referrals to GP clinics complete with a chaperone service
  10. Delivering intervention enabling a response to the taboo issue of domestic abuse
  11. Developing approaches to address family and intergenerational conflict
  12. Community advocacy support – welfare and social rights, signposting, liaison support with public agencies. (schools, local authorities – housing, education, social services, Youth offending teams and health authorities)